Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh): The Bagsewaniya police has filed a case of rape on the complaint of a 32-year-old woman, who came to contact with the accused Vinay Bharti on social media platform some three years back.
The woman in her compliant said that she came to the city in search of job and got friendly with Vinay, whom she knew before. Since she was in dire need of a job, the accused exploited her. He invited her to a hotel and promised to her to find a job.
She was afrerwards forced to have 'spiked' drink. After she fell unconscious, the accused raped her and also made the video of the act.
After that he started blackmailing her. Initially, she tried to avoid him but things took a turn for worse and she had to reveal everything to her husband.
The husband thus approached the police and filed a complaint. The police have registered the case under section 376, 379-N of IPC and have started investigations.