Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh): Additional Director General of Police of Uttar Pradesh GK Goswami said that accused in 60% of rape cases including those registered under POCSO Act from 2014 to 2019 were acquitted from the court for want of evidence.
He stated it at the three-day JIVA (Justice, Inclusion and Victim’s Access) conference that concluded here on Saturday. The subject expert shared their research at the conference. The cyber expert shared details of child sexual abuse on social media.
Speaking further, Gowsami said, “Sometimes, police work one-sided and innocent get punished.” He asked officials to conduct investigation by relating one fact to another like a chain so that the accused could not take benefit of gap. He asked to use more forensic science evidence in their investigation.
Sexual content
CBI SP Praveen Mandloi stated the since the launch of 5G internet service in India, the sexual content became more viral on social media. “Internet is full of sexual content. On every social media platform, the child sexual abuse material is present. To remove such content from the internet is a big challenge. To scan such material and to identify it is a huge process,” he added. The CBI has sent 296 reference material to Interpol. The CBI has started process to remove sexual content from the internet.