Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh): The TT Nagar police have registered a case against a man for allegedly duping a retired district forest officer (DFO) and his son of Rs 50 lakh by posing as a film-maker based in Mumbai, the police said. The cops added that the complainant’s son was fond of script-writing and had given the accused the script, after which he lured them into investing the amount for production of the film, the police added.
TT Nagar police station in-charge (SHO) Chain Singh Raghuwanshi said that the complainant, Dinesh Kumar Dubey is a retired DFO. Dubey had rented out a room at his house located in Jawahar Chowk in 2019. On October 1, the same year, a man named Prabhunath Naidu showed up at their place, seeking the room for rent. During this, Dubey’s son had a conversation with Naidu.
Naidu told them that he was a film-maker based in Mumbai and had the studio’s office located in Bhopal at an area in Hoshangabad Road. Dubey’s son, who was fond of writing scripts for movies, narrated him a fictional story that he wrote some time ago. Naidu told the father-son duo that the script is quite good and he would be producing a film based on the same. He told them that the film would be produced at a cost of Rs 1 crore and sought an investment of Rs 50 lakh from them, promising handsome returns in lieu of the same.
Dubey gave several cheques to Naidu, after which he went back to Mumbai. The father-son duo kept on enquiring about the progress of the film and he kept making flimsy excuses. Later, in August 2023, Naidu stopped answering phone calls being made by Dubey and his son and broke all contacts. The duo realised that they had been duped and approached the TT Nagar police, who have lodged a case under Section 420 of the Indian Penal Code (IPC) and have begun probing it.