Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh): A man has been booked for allegedly circulating the mobile number of a girl. Piplani police station house officer (SHO) Anurag Lal said that the complainant, an 18-year-old girl and a resident of Piplani, had been receiving calls from unknown numbers for the past three days.
The callers also passed lewd comments at the first-year engineering student. When she asked one of the callers about the reason behind calling her up incessantly, she came to know that one of her acquaintances, named Anuj Gurjar, had uploaded a reel on Instagram, in which he had mentioned her mobile number.
When the girl confronted Gurjar, he began threatening her. She then lodged a complaint against Gurjar at the Piplani police station. The police have registered a case against Gurjar under the IT Act and are probing the incident.