Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh): Former Chief Minister Kamal Nath took the meeting of district-level office bearers of Pradesh Congress Committee (PCC) on Monday and instructed district secretaries to pay attention to their sector and Mandlam and do not interfere in the work of district Congress president. The ex-CM is holding meetings with party leaders to prepare for the assembly elections to be held at the end of the year.
On Monday, Nath have called the meeting of the DCC president, block president, district in-charges, district secretaries and other party leaders at the PCC, to discuss about strengthening of polling booths in the state. Sources informed that some of the district secretaries are interfering in the works of the DCC president. They are mounting pressure by giving their choice in the organisational appointments.
The ex-CM warned the district secretaries that they should keep their attention on the works of the sector and of Mandlam and not in the work of DCC presidents. It is also informed that some of the districts in the state is not having the infrastructure, as Congress leaders have joined BJP in large numbers. The former CM has asked the district presidents to first consolidate the party organisation in their respective districts. Nath asked Congressmen to strengthen booths, so that fake polling can be stopped. He also asked to review the voter list and to remove fake names from it.