Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh): Ahead of Bhopal-Jabalpur Vande Bharat and Bhopal-Indore Vande Bharat, Vindhya Mahila Jagruti Manch and Vindhya Sahyog took out rally and handed over memorandum to railway officials on Sunday demanding more trains to Vindhya region.
The rally began from number 7 number bus stop. People of Vindhya region took out march while singing song, DRM Saheb Railiya Chalai De. During this, people demanded to ply regular train instead of special train. They submitted memorandum to ACM Dharmendra Kumar Singh outside Rani Kamlapati station.
Vindhya Mahila Jagruti Manch's convener Vandana Dwivedi said, “We have been constantly demanding new train. We had given a memorandum to railway officials on April 17 but our demand was not accepted. Vindhya region depends on Revanchal Express. Four lakh people of Vindhya region live in Bhopal. Even after paying additional fare in special weekly train, people traveling from remote villages to Rewa and traveling to Bhopal are facing problems.”