Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh): Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan launched the Mukyamantri Krishak Mitra Yojana by registering the names of two farmers on Wednesday. At a programme organised at Kushabhau Thakre Convention Centre here, the chief minister enrolled Harda district Namita and Sehore resident Premnarayan Panwar during the inaugural ceremony.
In the first year of the scheme, 10,000 permanent agriculture pump connections will be provided to farmers. The 50 % per cent expenditure of the scheme will be borne by the state government and the electricity distribution company. Farmers will be required to pay 50 % expenditure of infrastructure development. Power discom will maintain the power supply line, transformer etc. CM said it is due to the hard work of farmers that the state has been able to become number one in the agriculture sector. The Sharbati wheat and Ginnaur rice have received an international identity. In the year 2002-03, state cereal production was 159 lakh metric ton and it has increased to 619 lakh Metric Ton.
The chief minister said, some days back Madhya Pradesh was heading towards the drought like situation as rains had receded and the crops were withering , but then he prayed before Lord Mahakal and the monsoon revived and now the dams are filled to the brim. Electricity supply is being done as per the demand, there is nothing to worry, he added.
Addressing the gathering, energy minister Pradhyuman Singh Tomar said Mukyamantri Krishak Mitra Yojana will prove a milestone for farmers in the state.