Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh): The Additional Divisional Railway Manager (ADRM) of Bhopal division, Gauravsingh Chadhar has approached the Anusuchit Jaati Janjaati (AJAK) police to lodge an FIR against a woman who had levelled fake rape allegations on him last year, the police said on Wednesday. Station house officer (SHO) of AJAK police station, Akansha Sharma said that the complainant, Gauravsingh Chadhar is the ADRM of Bhopal division, against whom, a woman clerk had levelled allegations of rape in 2022. Chadhar had approached the High Court in this regard, following which he was not found guilty and the woman clerk’s FIR was quashed by the court.
During this, the woman had also allegedly uploaded defamatory posts against Chadhar on social media platforms, owing to which, Chadhar approached the AJAK police. He told the police that the defamatory and derogatory posts uploaded by the woman on social media platforms have besmirched his reputation. SHO Sharma said that the matter is being probed, after which action shall be taken against the woman.