Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh): The Government Railway police (GRP) seized foreign liquor worth Rs 30,000 and cannabis worth Rs 3 lakh from two persons in two separate incidents at Bhopal junction railway station on Monday evening.
GRP TI Zaheer Khan said that the officials were carrying out inspections at the railway station on Monday. When the AP Sampark Kranti Express halted at the station, the cops spotted a suspicious minor boy carrying a bag.
The officials checked his bag and found 18 bottles of foreign liquor. The boy failed to come up with a cogent reply, following which he was detained.
In another incident, the GRP officials spotted one suspect from Rajasthan, identified as Suresh Acharya (27). When his bag was inspected, the cops found 14 kgs of cannabis worth Rs 3 lakh. He was taken into custody and the booty was seized.