Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh): Twenty-two female artists in the city have showcased their paintings themed on Father’s Day at Swaraj Vithika on Ravindra Bhawan premises. The daughters painted their feelings towards their father through their artworks using acrylic and oil on canvas. It was appreciated by art lovers. Most of the works of the painters highlighted that fathers are more attached towards their daughters.
It was part of a three-day group painting exhibition, organised by Kamli Art and Welfare Society, Bhopal. Former IAS officer Manoj Shrivastava inaugurated the exhibition on Thursday in the presence of president BMC, Kishan Suryvanshi, director Bal Kalyan Shodh Mahesh Saxena, Surendra Shukla from Nehru Yuva Kendra and senior artist Raj Saini.
Artist Priya Soni through her oil colour on canvas painted a father carrying his daughter in his lap who is enjoying nature whereas his son is walking.
Another acrylic work of an artist showcased that a father is carrying his daughter on his back expecting that his children will also look after him when he becomes old. The exhibition will remain open till June 17 from 2pm-8pm.