In a bizarre turn of events, Kerala Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan's speech to condole the death of his predecessor Oommen Chandy took an unexpected twist when the microphone began to howl for a few seconds. This left everyone in shock, but little did they know that a hilarious comedy of errors was about to unfold. The local police, ever vigilant in their quest to maintain the peace, sprang into action as soon as they detected a potential public nuisance conspiracy. Slipping on their detective hats, they filed a case against "unknown persons" responsible for the microphone malfunction. The investigation led them to a bewildered owner, whose only crime was providing audio equipment for various political events. To everyone's surprise, the police dramatically seized not only the rebellious microphone but also the amplifier and other suspicious audio paraphernalia. Rumours spread like wildfire on the social media, suggesting that these inanimate objects were secretly plotting to overthrow the government, one malfunction at a time.
As the news circulated, speculations grew wilder, with some claiming the microphone had "switched sides" after being used at rallies for both Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Congress leader Rahul Gandhi. The unfortunate incident brought a wave of embarrassment to Vijayan, who found himself at the centre of this peculiar affair. His opponents couldn't resist poking fun, suggesting that the CM's words were so powerful that they temporarily short-circuited the microphone in sheer awe. Just as the comedy of errors reached its climax, a twist of fate led to the case being dropped. It turned out that the whole incident was nothing more than a technical glitch, a momentary lapse of electronic cooperation. With the truth finally revealed, the confiscated equipment was returned to its bewildered owner, and the microphone breathed a sigh of relief, having narrowly escaped a life of crime.