Valentine's Week 2024: Dating A 'Red Flag?' Signs To Spot Them & Step Back For Better Mental Health

By: FPJ Web Desk | March 28, 2024

'Red Flags' are manipulative and they play mind-games to grab your attention and increase self-worth or status. But how to know if you are dating a 'Red Flag'?


Are you a dream or an option? Track the lies and distinguish between genuine efforts and criminal steps.


A 'Red Flag' will never take the liability of any irresponsible action or words. You should learn to recognise the toxic tools of manipulation.


Patriarchal tendency is the very first warning to keep safe from the lethal toxicity! Is the person good for your emotional hygiene? You can count the outcomes of 'blind trust!'


Stalking, gossiping or morphing the definitions are form of criminal activity that need adequate legal action. Don't give them a chance to mess with your life.


Does the person make you feel low and guilty for absolutely no reason? Gaslighting and emotional violence are also a form of violence, while self-love is the finest form of love.


Once you recognise a 'Red Flag', take a step back! Prioritise your mental health to overcome the serious side-effects.
