Narmada Jayanti 2024: Break Your Fast With These Nutritious Dishes

By: Swarna Srikanth | February 16, 2024

As we celebrate Narmada Jayanti on February 16, here are some food items that you may consider having to break your fast.

While some prefer to keep a fast by completely skipping a meal, others do it as per their capacities and consume either water or some vrat-special preparations.

The fasting period ends at sunset after devotees pray to Narmada Devi and offer water and prayers to her.

Having fasted the entire day, it gets even more important to eat healthy while you break your fast.

Include these three dishes on your plate this evening to comfort yourself with the necessary nutrition for the day.

A small bowl of Rice Kheer is rich in starch, a form of carbohydrates, which will help you control your blood sugar and insulin levels.

It will also ease your hunger cravings with a taste of sweetness.

Eating some Aloo Poha with a pinch of salt and lemon juice is a great way to break your fast and comfort your tummy.

The dish is a good source of fiber, protein, and iron. Adding lemon drops to it brings the richness of Vit. C.

A well-curated chaat including peas, chana, and groundnut gives a boost of multivitamins and helps keep your gut happy.