Kick Day Special: Sweet Cupcake VS Toxic Boyfriend

By: FPJ Web Desk | February 22, 2024

If you are under the grip of a toxic-poisonous relationship, you need to eradicate the negative energy to maintain emotional hygiene! And what's better than a sweet cupcake to get rid of a chauvinist person? Let's compare this with an analytical eye!


A cupcake makes you happy without reason while an abhorrent boyfriend makes you feel bad for absolutely no reason!


A cupcake can enable the ways to gentle cope-mechanism while a manipulative partner can turn into a pandora box!


A deceitful rerlationship breaks your confidence, on the other hand a bite from your favourite cupcake always makes you feel a bit better!


Investing time in a wrong person shoves you back, while baking cupcakes is almost a low-key therapy.


Cupcake has a stress buster impact and it can eradicate hurdles within few minutes, while a negative person can dismantle several precious months or years of your life!


Precisely, you need to kick up the urge to be with a wrong person and pick up the sublime recipes of different sweet cupcakes!
