In Photos: Check Out These Interesting Facts About Air Marshal Subroto Mukerjee On His Birth Anniversary

By: Aleesha Sam | March 05, 2024

Born on 5 March 1911 Air Marshal Subroto Mukerjee OBE was an Indian military officer who was the first Indian Commander-in-Chief of the Indian Air Force

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Air Marshal Mukerjee was commissioned in IAF as a pilot in 1932

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In 1928, Mukerjee was one of the six Indians to undergo two years of flying training at the college in Royal Air Force College Cranwell

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In 1936-37 Mukerjee served in the northern Wazirstan in North-West frontier province (now Khyber Phuktwana province, Pakistan) when rebellion erupted

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Mukerjee was made an officer of the British Empire in 1945

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Being a avid fotball player, Subroto Cup Football Tournament is dedicated to this legend Air marshal who had a dream of conducting inter-school all-India football tournament


Subroto Park in the Delhi Cantonment is named after after the Air Marshal Subroto Mukerjee.


The Centre for Air Power Studies organises the Subroto Mukerjee International Seminar annually