Happy Kiss Day: Did You Know 'Muah' Burns Out Calories Like An Intense Workout? More Health Benefits Inside

By: Rahul M | February 13, 2024

As we celebrate Kiss Day on February 13, know about what a consented kiss does to your mind, mood, and overall body.

Some studies have suggested that a passionate kiss can help in burning out calories like an intense workout session.

A couple is said to burn about 8-10 calories every minute from a kissing exercise.

Kisses have the power to energise and relieve stress. Thus, calming down one's whole body and providing relaxation.

It is certainly a mood stimulator that cheers up a person and temporarily makes them forget problems in their life.

Kissing is said to lower blood pressure and promote cardiovascular health by reducing stress, and increasing blood flow throughout the body.

Interestingly, kissing is also associated with anti-aging benefits as it promotes good blood flow to the skin.

The health benefits are said to vary individually and highly depend on the types of kisses one shares with their loved one.