Ever Heard Of Red-Eye Coffee? Learn 7 Popular Types Of Coffee Explained

By: Rahul M | April 25, 2024

Espresso is a concentrated coffee made from roasted coffee beans. They are served in shots and are very strong.


Americano can be served hot or cold. It is made from just espresso and water.


A latte is a type of coffee that contains one or two shots of espresso, steamed milk and a frothed milk foam layer on the top. It is an Italian-originated coffee.


A Cappuccino coffee contains an equal amount of espresso, steamed milk and foam. It has a creamy flavour due to milk.


Macchiato is a coffee made from espresso with foam on the top. It contains a higher amount of espresso, making it is strong coffee flavour.


Red-eye coffee is made from espresso and dripped coffee. It can be served both hot and cold.


Mocha coffee is a sweet delight. It is made from espresso, chocolate syrup or powder, steamed milk and topped with whipped cream. It's creamy and yummy coffee flavour.
