Condoms: Key Reasons To Use This Contraceptive Tool During Sexual Intercourse
By: Rahul M | February 22, 2024
While political parties have distributed condoms in Andhra Pradesh, here's why it is important to use and promote its usage in safe sex.
Condoms, valid and unexpired, come to the rescue when someone wants to get playful in bed without planning for a child.
There are several benefits to using condoms while indulging in sexual behaviour as it keeps you safe and protected.
Condoms are effective in reducing the risk of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) such as HIV, gonorrhea, and syphilis.
Unlike other contraceptives which include pills, condoms are widely available and accessible without a prescription. Thus, they are considered a safer means of protection.
In comparison with pills to curb unwanted pregnancy, an external sheath is often recommended and has fewer side effects.
Reportedly, using a condom keeps one assured about their sexual health and affects overall performance.
Using condoms is said to be associated with peace of mind and increased confidence during sexual activity.
Also, this contraceptive option comes with environmental benefits which is otherwise not achieved in case of strong hormonal pills that contribute to hazardous medical waste.