Benefits Of Adding Ragi To Your Diet This Summer

By: Amisha Shirgave | May 06, 2024

Ragi (Finger Millet) is a super food which looks like mustard seeds. It has multiple benefits and is often consumed in summers due to its natural cooling abilities.


Ragi can be consumed in various ways. Most common way is to use ragi flour and make dishes such as idlis, dosas, upmas etc.


The best fact about Ragi is that does not need to be polished like other grains and can be consumed i its original form.


Ragi is high in iron, calcium and fibre, making it the best supplement for bone health. Due to its rich iron and fibre content, it helps in boosting your immunity and keeping your digestive track healthy.


Ragi is the best option for people who prefer consuming gluten free diet. You can replace Ragi flour with wheat flour and make the same recipes with extra health benefits.


Due to its rich fibre content, Ragi keeps you full for longer. This helps you keep your blood sugar levels in check.


Ragi helps in controlling bad cholesterol levels. This prevents chances of heart diseases.
