6 Feng Shui décor tips to create a peaceful and prosperous work space

By: FPJ Web Desk | May 02, 2023

Feng shui, also known as Chinese geomancy, is an ancient Chinese art that focuses on balancing the qi energy in our surroundings. The particular art form aims to build on happiness as one of its primary principles or the desired outcome

By incorporating Feng Shui principles into your office space, you can create a more balanced and calming atmosphere that can increase productivity, reduce stress, and enhance overall well-being. Here are some tips for achieving a Zen workspace using Feng Shui principles by Tejpal Singh Shekhawat, Founder & CEO, Kalyanam Furniture

Eliminate any obvious clutter: Try to keep at least half of your workspace or desk free of clutter. Utilize less paper wherever you can; it's really great for the climate, and it likewise kills one of the primary drivers of lost efficiency

Face your work area toward the entryway: Keeping an eye on the door to your office is regarded as a powerful position for success. At the point when your back faces the entryway, it means weakness. If you share an office, at the very least try not to face or sit next to each other

A bagua map should be placed on your desk: A feng shui energy map, also known as a bagua map, can be used to organize in a way that attracts more positive energy. The words "eight areas" in bagua refer to creativity, health, career, money, and spirituality. Using different items for different purposes, such as black decor to inspire career opportunities, may look like bagua mapping your desk

Use complementary colors in your décor: Colors are basic for feng shui and can impact your result and efficiency. Color preferences may vary by profession; a financial professional could require different stimulation as contrasted with a teacher. Earth tones can be quieting to advance soundness, while lavender, addressing the fire component, can support knowledge

Minimize Electrical Distractions: Electronics and other electrical devices can disrupt the flow of energy in your office space. Try to minimize their use and keep them organized and tucked away when not in use

Think about the Elements: When redecorating, try to keep the major elements—fire, water, earth, metal, and wood—in balance. Examine the extent to which each component in your workspace may be under- or overrepresented. Potted plants or pictures of nature that inspire creativity can provide an alternative to the metal equipment and filing cabinets that are associated with power