5 ways to stay motivated even if you didn't get an appraisal

By: FPJ Web Desk | April 24, 2023

Not getting an appraisal becomes less painful and represents an opportunity, rather than an ending. Although it can seem tough at first, keeping the momentum going can open doors either in your current role or a new one, that go beyond your expectations

Understanding how the decision makers view the situation will give you a clearer idea of what went into their decision and can ultimately help you get what you want faster

Keeping attitude like saying "Thanks for taking the time to clarify the company’s roadmap this morning. It’s been a challenging year, but it sounds like we have a solid plan heading into next year. I already have some ideas for how I can provide value to the company's vision."

In this response, you’ve not only expressed appreciation for your boss’ openness, but you’ve taken proactive steps to solve their problems—which shows commitment, resolve, and resilience in the face of a challenge

Try your best to anticipate your role needs before your supervisor asks you to address them, or go the extra mile to deliver top results that will make the entire team look good

If you’re doing valuable work that wouldn’t be possible without you, your management team will be much more likely to grant your future requests

Setting attainable yet challenging goals will help you focus on one activity at a time and, more importantly, will fuel your fire to achieve success

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