Topics dropped by NCERT in process of rationalisation; See list here

By: FPJ Education Desk | April 06, 2023

Paragraphs that dealt with Emergency’s draconian impact have been pruned.

Live Law

Certain parts in the chapter 'The Crisis of Democratic Order' has been deleted


Details on Mahatma Gandhi's assassination tweaked in new NCERT textbooks.


Gandhi was disliked by those who wanted Hindus to take revenge or who wanted India to become a country for the Hindus is removed.

Indian express

References of 2002 Gujarat riots from all NCERT social science textbooks have been dropped too.

getty images

National Human Rights Commission’s criticism of the Gujarat government for failing to control the violence is also eradicated.

getty images

The title “Sultan” has been dropped from Mahmud Ghazni of Afghanistan.


Under the now removed topics includes, 'Akbarnama' (the official chronicle of the reign of Akbar).
